Doc Daniel Garcia,

Authentic Smile Designer.

Conscious aesthetic dentistry.






About me

Hello, I’m
Doc. Daniel Garcia.
I’m an authentic smile designer.

My name is Daniel Garcia, I’m a dental professional that specializes in the aesthetic and conscious area of dentistry. It is my joy to enhance a person’s smile, connect with them and be part of their quantum leap into a better version of themselves emotionally, physically, and mentally.

How does our process works?

We understand that coming from abroad may raise questions or concerns about our process. Allow us to explain how it works!

1. Initial assessment

We'll begin by evaluating your case, which involves providing us with some information such as pictures of your current oral condition and general details about your case.

2. Get an quote

Our team will carefully review your case and will create a tailored quote that addresses your specific needs, ensuring that you receive the best possible treatment plan.

3. Book your procedure!

After reviewing your personalized quote and confirming that it meets your expectations, we will proceed to finalize the details of your appointment. A down payment will be requested at this stage to secure your booking

Our services



Custom-made shells that to cover the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance.







Custom-made shells and thin layers of tooth-colored resin material that to cover the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance.



Dental small decorative ornaments or gems applied to the surface of a tooth.

Are you ready to transform your smile?

Book a free online assessment with us. We'd love to talk about your desired outcomes and provide guidance throughout every stage of the process.

What check portfolio and what our patients say about us!

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